
clever & beautiful

True story: When I first saw these invitations on Pitch Design Union, I carried my laptop around my apartment to share them with whoever was nearest. The excitement elicited by this cleverness was uncontainable. So clever, and so beautifully executed.

created by Letterform.

killin it.

There is a magnet inside of my brain that pulls me SO easily to greens and blues. I frequently notice that the things I'm drawn to have color schemes rooted in off-beat blues and greens. So naturally I thought this vintage pesticide packaging featured on The Dieline (by way of We Love Typography) was pretty fantastic.


beautiful & edible is my favorite combination

The main reason I subscribe to Cake Wrecks on my reader is so I don't forget to check out their Sunday Sweets. Every week they take a break from the wrecks and post beautiful works of edible art. Although I pledge particular allegiance to cupcakes, I don't discriminate against pastries, and I love all the cake shows on Food Network. Good stuff.
Anyway, I was particularly drawn to this cake from today's Sunday Sweets. There's no reason to expound on why it's awesome, just a simple "WHAT EXCUSE DO I NEED TO GET MY HANDS ON ONE OF THESE?"


sketchbook scans

Beautiful sketchbook scans from for the love of type's Mrs. Eaves.
so meticulous.

Jeremy Mickel

Courtney from designworklife has the best type-radar. I just went through the starred items in my reader and had at least four type-related posts. We must share taste. Anyway, the other day she featured a few fonts Jeremy Mickel has been working on, and I loved them all.

I also enjoyed Jeremy's descriptions of the story behind each typeface. Excited about these!



I love these. I think it has something to do with my childhood attachment to dollhouses, but Aneta Grzeszykowska and Jan Smaga's photographs of homes from above are interesting and delightful.