
holy wowza gelato

Package design and I have a bit of an odd relationship. I really appreciate packaging that is well-designed, but there's a lot of stuff out there that's just fine. Not overly dandy, just slightly above average. It takes something significant to get me excited.

That said, I am so jazzed about this gelati (I assume that's like gelato) packaging by Truly Deeply.
I'd never heard of them before digging around in the archives of Lovely Package, but from the looks of their site, they've got a ton of awesome work.
I love the way they communicated the idea "what dreams taste like" through collage. The combination of dream-like and flavor-related images and unification through color create a completely unique feel that fits each flavor so well. Not only is the design perfectly suited for the product, it's wonderfully inspirational. Ice cream/gelato/sorbet are things that are already appealing, so it's nice to see someone play with the design to make something fresh.

Now if we could only get this stuff in our grocery stores...

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